Please register for a course using the form below.
First Name (required) Last Name (required)
Name of Organisation Your Position Title
Postal Address (required)
Phone Number (required)
Email Address (required)
Programme you are registering for (required)
General Course or Programme EnquiryThe Foundations of FacilitationPeople, Systems & ChangeCollaborative LeadershipCoaching & SupervisionFacilitator Professionals
Programme Date & Location
Select Payment Option(required) Pay by ArrangementSupply an Order Number
Terms & Conditions
Your place on the programme will be confirmed upon receipt of your registration and payment in full or the provision of a purchase order number.
Full payment is due 14 working days in advance of the commencement of the programme.
Cancellations must be received in writing by Phoenix at least 14 working days prior to the programme. After this date there will be no refunds as funds will have been committed for venue and leaders.
Transfers to another programme will be considered depending on programme numbers and schedule.
A substitute participant may be negotiated before the programme commences.
Should a participant choose to withdraw after the first day of a programme no refunds will be given.
The leader of a programme retains the right to refuse admittance to a participant either before or during a course if their behaviour is inappropriate.
A Certificate is awarded for a minimum of 90% attendance plus fulfillment of the course requirements.
I have read and accept the conditions of registration. (required)
Please prove you are human by selecting the house.